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How To Pass A Drug Test for Cannabis

It is crucial to learn how detoxing and drug testing work if you want to pass a drug test for marijuana. We have all read the myths and bad advice given on the internet. We have broken it all down for you here so you can stop searching.

How long does THC stay in your system?

  • Urine marijuana drug testing: Infrequent marijuana users can test positive up to three days (1 to 3)
  • Urine marijuana drug testing:Regular weed users can test positive up to one month.
  • How long can edibles stay in your body? This could be anywhere between 1 and 5 days.
  • Marijuana blood test: The THC-metabolite may be found in the blood for as long as 36 hours.
  • Cannabis hair test. THC can stay in hair for up to 90 day, but it is more noticeable in chronic users.

What factors determine the time window for THC still being in your body?

  • Body Mass (BMI)
  • Metabolism
  • Levels of THC in your body

What types of drug tests are there?

How to Pass a Drug Test

Saliva Test

The saliva test for methamphetamines, opiates and cocaine will detect drug use in the past few days. This test will only detect marijuana use within the past few hours. For a saliva examination, you will need to either spit in a tube or take a swab from your mouth.

Blood Test

Although it is the most efficient form of drug testing, a blood test remains the most intractable. A blood test must be administered by a certified healthcare practitioner who is proficient in drawing blood. The blood sample is then taken and analyzed in a laboratory.

This test is extremely effective as it can detect marijuana up to three weeks after its use. It is more sensitive to heavy use. Blood tests can also detect alcohol and nicotine abuse.

Hair Test

To determine if a person has ever used the drug, a hair test can be used. A hair test can reveal drug use up to three quarters of a year before it is tested. Hair drug testing works by detecting drug metabolites in the scalp. These metabolites are then filtered out and stored to create a permanent record about a person’s drug use.

Hair monitoring is opposed by many people. However, it doesn’t assess actual substance use. No shampooing can remove the drug metabolites that will remain in hair for many months. One can still test positive for cannabis even though they have stopped using it a while back.

These tests are often more time-consuming than others. This test can detect drugs such as opioids, PCP and methamphetamines.

Urine Test

Urine drug tests are the most common form. They require that you give a laboratory fresh sample of your urine to be tested. Health professionals will look at relevant medication indicators such as creatinine pH, temperature, color, and temperature.

In most cases, the urine must be submitted at the laboratory’s location. A sample that was taken at home cannot be sent. A urine test taken more than an hour ago will not be suitable for testing.

Keep in mind that employers may require you to provide a urine sample for supervision. This effectively eliminates the possibility for urine swapping. Urine samples from anyone who has taken alcohol, opiates or opioids will reveal if they have used them.

Best Ways: How to Pass a Drug Test

How to Pass a drug Test

Hydrogen Peroxide

Swab testing has become more popular in recent years. Thanks to technological advances, swabs can be performed quickly and with minimally invasive effort. They are widely used to screen everyone, from drug users to job candidates.

You will be asked to stop smoking if you are scheduled for a saliva drug test in the next few days. It would be sufficient to stop smoking for 24 hours. People who do not want to gamble with cannabis should avoid using it for at least a week.

For drug tests using a mouth swab, hydrogen peroxide has been the go-to. Studies have been done to prove it’s effectiveness. Swirl for three minutes an hour before your test. 

Cranberry Juice

Next on our list is cranberry juice, a slightly tart but equally delicious option. Cranberry juice is a popular choice for a THC detox. Although the research behind this option is not entirely clear, it seems to be based on observation and anecdotal successes.

Natural diuretics can make you urinate more often. Give yourself enough time and space to do this in a comfortable environment. 

Buy two liters of real Cranberry Juice. Drink at least two glasses a day over the days leading up to the drug testing. Keep a close eye on a toilet to flush out the THC metabolites.

Some people will take Vitamin B supplements to give their urine a pop of color. This makes the sample appear more normal and decreases the chance of the drug tester being skeptical.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, How to pass a Drug Test

Over the past few years, cleansing diets have slowly gained popularity. One example of a detox diet is apple cider vinegar. This amber-colored vinegar is made from cider or apples must. Supporters claim that the detox with apple cider vinegar (ACV), includes weight loss, toxins elimination, and blood sugar control.

Mix 1 cup water and half a cup apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to your hair. Allow it to sit for 1 minute. Do this within 24 hours of your hair test.

Lemon Water

How to Pass a Drug Test

Lemon juice has been suggested as a general detox drink. Many wellness gurus and exercise preachers recommend it for detoxing and removing toxins from the body. Lemons and limes are high in antioxidants and an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and soluble fiber.

We also find vitamin C in lemons. While some experts question whether lemon has good detoxifying properties, citrus fruit contains a lot of vitamins. It is said to have the potential to flush THC metabolites from the system in surprisingly small amounts.

You should mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with 500ml of water and sipped multiple times over the course of several hours. The aim is to drink this mixture 7–8 times in the days leading up to a drug test.

You should just keep it easy if the acidic essence of lemon juice isn’t doing your digestive system any favors. For passing a urine test, water does not seem to be a magical elixir, but drinking plenty of it will dilute your urine and leave you peeing clean.

If you’re about to take a urine drug test, try to drink a lot of water in the hour leading up to it. However, submitting a urine sample that is completely transparent and crystal clear could appear suspicious and cause your sample to be disqualified. But at the very least, you have a much better chance of passing it.

Home Drug Test Kits

How to Pass a Drug Test

If you are notified about an upcoming drug test, you might want to purchase some at-home versions of these tests to try on your own. This will give you additional confidence that you may pass the test your employer wants you to go through.

Testclear’s drug testing kits are meant to help you understand how exposed you have been to particular toxins. These kits give quick and accurate readings about the level of toxins and presence of drugs in your body.

The company offers 19 different kinds of drug testing kits, which you can use at home to know the level of toxins and drugs in your blood.

Final Thoughts – How to Pass a Drug Test. What’s the Best Way to Get Cannabis Out of Your System?

Abstinence is the best way to cleanse your body from all active THC and its metabolites. It can take 7-14 days for the active THC molecule to leave your body for those who use cannabis daily. This depends on how much you consume.

If you have high levels of THC metabolites, these are the best natural detox methods to prevent you from getting a positive drug test.

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